Monday 31 August 2015

Ape Suit Cinema

Somewhere in vicinity of 1956 I became old enough to drift away from 
my family's house to begin shaping my own life.  At ten years old I had
no concept of what that was to find out who I was / what I would be as
the years began.  I just knew I had aged enough to explore streets and
the city that my parents had taken residence in.

If in looking back now, it was The Eagle Theatre that adopted me
took me into writing / old time movie serials / movies 
none of that experience ever left my mind or blood
~especially those screen exhibitions that held images of 
gorillas / apes / savage men surviving outside society.

as years passed away from my childhood
all of those impressions and images became just memories
an occasional sharing of talk with others
who had been where I had been.


~ sublimitly ~

I still held this peculiar desire to be just as all of them were on big screen
one imagine haunted my life 
a morsel of a dream that I would want to be that someday
it seems a bi insane now
being a gorilla ~ that's what it was 

Just passed my 69th Birthday in May
that being a warning sign
that if there is anything left needed to be experienced
it better be day by day ~ minute into minute

just crossing into September taking some of those dreams out of memory
making it some sense of reality

bought two anthropoid masks in the last two weeks
have one more
 on the way through postal services

becoming an ape is a rough learning curve !

only wear the masks on coming to my computer
very rarely step outside the front door to snap a photo or two
of my alter existence

~thing is ~

have been living in isolated parts of South Canaan, Pennsylvania
deep into farm country with cows and chickens 
farmers that aren't quite redneck; but, will shoot anything baring fur
remnisent of any kind of animal outside being a cow


I have become something of a closet ape 
coming out of hibernation
exhibiting inbred mannerisms of an ape
in privacy of a home that just accepts weirdness
for whatever it is

within my interpretation of I and I as ape these days
it's just an extension of my need to keep writing
just to keep feeling something
never keep going back to repeating anything
for now
I reside within the ape hood of my mind
waiting to see what that way will bring out of my mind into words

August Hawthorne and Canaan Lancaster are the tentative birth names
who will take on most of the writing responsibilities vacated by
E. Aubrey Andrews at completion of his nineteenth novel


It took almost a year 
to get my car back on the road after relocating to Pennsylvania
it may take another six months
 to map out locations I need to accommodate publication of my books
seems to be an appropriate time to sacrifice
still have to organise pages to the past four novels
print them out on appropriate paper before I can get them bound

don't know where the writing
 under August and Canaan's hand and mind 
will guide me ?

thinking one or two books might just be collections 
drawings taken from my archives
another volume or two might be pictures and poems 
can't predict until those days come to ravage my mind

The Resident seems to be at crossroads
the centre of the book
all I need are seven to nine days of intense obsession
raping my mind for every road it can take
have no doubt the book will be done
just can't force it

nothing I've ever written seems real 
it's taken out of my hands
it's that voice inside me incessantly talking about strange things
that I would have no knowledge of on my own

I still believe that I am no author
the transcriptionist for someone outside me
I write for them
I am awed / mystified / envious / excited
that I am the only one to know of their travels
privileged to be their unconventional confessional
that they believe in with no distrust or reservation

maybe that makes me a biographer rather than an author ?

tend to like restrictions if there are any left in me

~ biographer ~ ?

~ no ~

there is no written acceptance in the book world 
for what I am

~ Confidant ~

seems appropriate for foreign ways I've captured life in writing
what is it
the man who collects butterflies behind glass frames
~ A Collector ~
I suppose that is and has been what I am

It seems remote to be concerned that Canaan and August
won't approach writing in the way I did

I don't know how I will handle that moment of separation 
when it comes ?

I think that I might just walk away from whatever last book has 
my credential attached to it
that what August and Canaan do 
a parallel or extension to what I was
they will have met / seen / been with different people in their lives
that I could never conceive of
I suppose there will be vague references in their writings about
the connection of them to me

~seems that it shouldn't matter to me what they do
when they separate ~ go their own way

~guess~ ?

ultimately what I should do is to be
the end The Resident 
where there will be no place to go back to


that might also be the way of the last 18 books
close them down with an ending no one escapes from
I really don't want to be forced to go back
don't want to execute my past

~ so ~

when those last E. Aubrey paragraphs are written
I will walk away from the daylight of those words
close the door behind me
forget that I had ever existed in any step or word of those books
close down the past
see if I can't exist as August Hawthorne
Canaan Lancaster 
as if I had never been born into anyone else but them
intrigued premise to see if I can do that .

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