Thursday 3 September 2015


Will continue working on Book 19 ~ The Resident ~ today

Preliminary artwork and title came together for the twentieth book about half an hour ago.

Vague impressions coming into my head
main character caught between two dimensions 
walking them both
one more primitive than the other
a man who has committed himself to seclusion 
in a locked room in a victorian mansion
as he deteriorates from man to ape
waiting to be drawn back into a forgotten past
a forgotten world outside earth
maybe akin to Edgar Rice Burroughs John Carter character
had to tell where the book will go 
until within the actual writing stage.


Today would have been Ellie's sixty fourth birthday
a part of me wishes that I hadn't of moved so far away from her grave
always feel that I've abandoned her to the deepest loneliness left in this life
no one to sit by her / no one to talk to her / hold her close in memory

Don't know what fate has in store for me 
I hope when my time comes to leave this life
that I will come home to rest by her side forever

if in the ways of nature Holly leaves life before me
I will return to Albany to be with Ellie

In a very quiet way I always believe Ellie comes to me on her birthday
she she passed away
she brings shadows of experience
 that I am compelled to follow within my writing
with a sense that I will find her again somewhere on that road

this week she brought me shadows of something that was once real
her visits to see her father in a mental institution in Northampton
when she was a child
the ill fate that she had followed in his footsteps 
inheriting his mental illness

in itself that experience should be a novel in itself
who's to remain to tell me intimate details of Ellie's life
have considered talking to her sister in Seattle
approach that idea
why would I say but?
I should just follow those highways
see where it will go

Had always considered publishing an update volume of her book
with a very detailed biography of Ellie's life
maybe this is the time to propose that to Marastella ?

In the gray spaces between now and then
it is obvious that I should follow 
what I believe to be Ellie's touching of her mind against mine
with this novel
I have no doubt that tinges of Ellie's reality and my grief
will paint sections of this book like rain on a Monday Morning
I know she will be standing near me with her gentle ways
as the words take presence and belonging of her soul

I feel that I am dying here
starving for the inevitable need 
to go away
find my way back to her grave

there is no recovery from the sorrow that's wounded me
just the waiting to be back with her
the recovery of ashes to memory
the days when I can hold her close to me

I wish I understood what all of this writing has meant
it chose to pull me out of the blue
speak to me in foreign tongues that won't let me sleep
it's a bitter sweet sanctuary tempering the pain inside me
I can't hide forever behind these words

when the day comes I will leave it all behind
come to be alone with Ellie in a place where she will 
never be alone again

I cherish that she has chosen to remain with me
even past the border she has crossed in death

' It will work out someday Ellie . I will be coming home to you

I Promise it will be that way
when the last word is written
the last breath taken
I will be close to you like I was suppose to do
was suppose to be

I should have said it all when I was close to you
like I was suppose to do

please let it rain ~ let me come home to you
before it's too late Ellie 

September 7th ~ 9:08 am

Hadn't intended my mind to drift so deeply into the sorrow I feel today
stepping away from it as best as I can to follow beginnings of book twenty.

there isn't much to the plot or characters yet

August Hawthorne came out of a strange dance held in my head
an obsession to own an ape mask
had nothing specific in mind; but, kept coming back to one mask
something of an Orangatang 
probably created for one of the Planet of The Apes films

it took me months before I finally mail ordered the mask to myself
in an odd paradox
one more ape mask also came with that order
~and another mask~
nothing like the ape visions held in my head
this one was crafted only with black plastic symbolic of
a front line cop assault protection gear

after several photographs taken with these masks hiding my face
it became a haunting dawn that both should be adversaries 
in a book I normally wound not ever contemplate.

a few days passed before I came across a word and photographic site
about the mental institution in Northampton, Massachucetts
where my father in law had ended his life sometime in the seventies.

and it seems that I am at that crossroad between those two ideologies
that curiously needs to make me draw them together in this book.

there will be traces of reality
 my belief 
weaving throughout demons of this book

~no~ ?

nothing is apparent until I've been released
into each page of the book
the only thing I can be assured of is
Ellie brought me to these roads this weekend
whether it be closure
putting demons to sleep
waking me to a new understanding
is yet to be revealed

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